You’ve chosen Concordia University Wisconsin for many reasons: you want an excellent education, 它提供了一个根植于路德教义的基督教基础. You love the beautiful location on the shores of Lake Michigan 和 countless opportunities to get involved in extracurricular activities. 你很高兴能在CUW留下自己的印记!

The CUW 居住生活 staff is here to help you make a smooth transition onto campus so you can enjoy all those things. 巴黎人官方注册 RA will welcome you on check-in day 和 get you connected to your new community.


  • 新生入住: 8月22日,星期四,上午9:00 -下午3:00
  • 返校学生入住: 8月24日星期六上午9:00至下午3:00



巴黎人官方注册FalconOne卡是巴黎人官方注册学生证.  Please submit your photo so we can have your card ready for you when you move in. 你可以 请看这里的说明在这里提交表格+照片. 注意: 如果您没有提交OneCard请求,它将延迟您的入住!


  • 包装中等大小的盒子,不要太重. 我们的许多宿舍都没有电梯.)
  • Bring a cart or dolly to stack boxes 和 make each trip more productive.
  • Recruit strong helpers to assist you in unloading your car 和 getting your belongings to your room quickly.
  • 带上巴黎人官方注册耐心! Our staff will be at every building trying to move things along as quickly as possible, 但有时这是一个缓慢的过程. 查看天气预报并作出相应计划. Bring umbrellas 和 plastic coverings for your things just in case the weather doesn't cooperate.


所有房间都配有窗帘、烟雾探测器和微型冰箱. 每位住客都配有一张桌子, 办公椅, 床上, 衣柜, 梳妆台, 以太网插孔和电话插孔.

All 床上s have components that enable you to bunk or loft the 床上s free of charge. 校园里的大多数宿舍都有超长床垫.

微型冰箱的大小取决于房间的占用情况. 它们由冰箱、冰柜和微波炉组成.

房间布局和尺寸差别很大, therefore we do not have measurements for individual 住宅 hall rooms. 你可以在这里查看我们宿舍的描述. You may also schedule a tour through the 招生 Office by calling 262-243-4300.


Click here to find out what to bring (和 what not to bring) when you move into a CUW 住宅 hall.

为了您的方便, 我们已经与dorify合作,提供一个简单的, 以经济实惠的方式购买大号床上用品, 存储解决方案, 和 everything else you'll need (和 want) for your new home away from home. 请访问 自力型 准备好搬家的日子,创造巴黎人官方注册梦想房间!

RAs -我们在这里等你

知道该去哪里,该和谁说话,会让一切变得不同. Two important groups of people who will play a vital role while you are living on campus are the Resident Directors 和 Resident Assistants.

  • 巴黎人官方注册 住宿助理员(RAs) 撑住巴黎人官方注册背. 你会在搬进去的那天见到巴黎人官方注册宿舍管理员, 和 he or she will be there throughout the academic year to help with any concerns you have about adjusting to college life.
  • 驻地董事(rd) 他们会欢迎你来到校园的新家吗. 作为全职专业工作人员, 您的注册营养师是您解决任何设备问题的最佳人选. 他们全年都有固定的办公时间.
  • 你也会得到帮助 船员领导人. On move-in day, they join forces, wear matching shirts 和 look for opportunities to help you. They will direct you to the right locations 和 look for opportunities to help you.


If you have been assigned roommates, their name(s) should be listed in the 电子邮件 from 居住生活. 请使用CUW电子邮件地址模板联系对方: firstname.lastname@自力型.edu.

Roommates are assigned based on self-reported preferences entered on the Roommate Match in the Housing Application. While 居住生活 makes every attempt to place requested roommates together, 由于对住房的高需求, 我们不保证室友的要求.

与室友同住可以提高巴黎人官方注册大学生活体验. We encourage you to contact your new roommate(s) once you receive their information. 决定谁来带电视、零食和其他东西. Talk about how you will decorate your room or loft/bunk your 床上s to create more floor space.

如果你没有收到巴黎人官方注册第一选择在宿舍或室友, 你一到学校就可以申请换房间. These changes will be considered after the first two weeks of the semester 和 on a space-available basis. 请每年换一次.)

对和室友的第一次谈话感到紧张? 试着放松,保持开放的心态. Expect that there will be differences; God does not create duplicates. 我们每个人都是独一无二的个体. The most important goal of the conversation should be to establish good communication with each other so that you have a base to build on when move-in day arrives. 如果你们不能马上合得来,也不要放弃. 努力建立一段关系是非常有益的. 记住,我们的宿舍生活工作人员是来帮忙的.


学生 living on campus are assigned mailboxes in the 邮件中心 in the Undercroft, 教堂下面. 你可以在学生标签下找到巴黎人官方注册作业 自力型门户.

如果你收到包裹 邮件中心 会发邮件到巴黎人官方注册CUW邮箱吗. 这封邮件会告诉你接机的过程.

还记得, it’s your responsibility to fill out the Forwarding Address Card (available on the Portal) when vacating the 住宅 halls. 一定要把你在学校的地址存档:



电脑在大学生活中扮演着重要的角色,而CUW已经为你介绍过了! Every resident hall room has 这两个 wired 和 wireless connections for internet. 访问Rincker 103的IT办公室或使用在线说明. (To use these instructions while on campus, you can connect from a non-resident hall location.)

my.自力型.edu 我们的门户网站是否提供单点登录web服务. 所有注册的学生都可以访问课程信息, 图书馆, 校园生活, 膳食计划信息, 电子邮件, 随时都可以, 在任何地方.

每个学生都有一张卡片.Edu电子邮件帐户. This feature rich account is setup on Microsoft servers 和 can be linked to a Live account for resources like single sign in to your personal computer, Skydrive和更多.

CUW 电子邮件 is an essential tool for communicating with professors, staff 和 students. Make it a habit of checking your CUW 电子邮件 account often as all official University communication happens through CUW 电子邮件. If you need help accessing your CUW 电子邮件 account, contact the IT Helpdesk (262-243-4357 or support@自力型.edu),或者去他们位于林克尔103号的办公室.

停车 & 登记

学生必须在校园安全处登记车辆. 要开始注册过程,请登录到 自力型门户. Under the 校园 Life Tab, go to the Safety Net Channel 和 click on “Register my Auto.填写完网上表格后,请到 校园安全 来办公室取巴黎人官方注册贴纸.

The parking fee for resident students will be charged to your university account once you pick your sticker up. 校园安全不接受停车许可证付款. 所有的付款都在出纳处处理.

居民必须将车停在停车场内. 如果可用, resident students who have earned 90 or more credits 和 are considered “seniors” may request a surface lot parking permit. 没有地面停车场的保证. 停车 in an unauthorized area will result in a $30 ticket per violation. 未登记车辆将被罚款30美元. 票是用现金支付的 业务办公室. 学生 receiving 3 or more parking tickets in a semester will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct. 如有任何问题,请致电262-243-4344与校园安全部门联系.


CUW is generally a very safe campus, but it never hurts to follow these simple guidelines:

  • 如果巴黎人官方注册财产没有投保, 购买在校期间的保险是明智的. 这是一个需要考虑的资源.
  • 每次离开和睡觉的时候都要锁好房间.
  • 不要把巴黎人官方注册房间钥匙或猎鹰一号卡借给别人. 这样做违反了《巴黎人官方注册》.
  • 不要把贵重物品放在房间里. Record the serial number 和 make/model information for valuables you will bring to campus.
  • An engraving tool is available at the 校园安全 Office for you to use to mark your valuables.
  • 把贵重物品存放在看不见的地方.
  • 锁好自行车,到校园安全处登记.
  • Report all thefts or losses immediately to 校园安全 at 262-243-4344. 不要撑开大厅或任何建筑物的入口门.


取消: If plans change 和 you will not be attending or you change your mind about living on campus, 你必须通知 这两个 居住生活和招生. 《巴黎人直营注册》在整个学年有效. In most cases, canceling your Agreement will result in financial penalty.


我们来这里是为了帮助你在校园里度过尽可能美好的时光. 请到我们办公室坐坐,我们很乐意见到你.

We’re located in the Student Center, Albrecht 107, next to the 书店. Our hours are Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm 你可以 also reach us via phone 262-243-4328 or 电子邮件 at 住宅.life@自力型.edu.